Ebola outbreak spreads in west Africa: country by country data
outbreak of the deadly Ebola virus currently sweeping through parts of
west Africa has so far killed an estimated 673 people. As of 23 July
there had been a total of 1,202 confirmed, probable or suspected

Guinea: 427 cases, 319 deaths
Ebola: what is it and how does it spread? By Tim Leslie, illustrations by Lucy Fahey
The first recorded case in
the current outbreak of the Ebola virus was in February this year in
Guinea. On 25 March, the Ministry of Health of Guinea reported that
southeastern districts were affected with an outbreak of “Ebola
hemorrhagic fever”. In late May the disease had spread to Guinea’s
capital Conakry, a city with around two million inhabitants. The lack of
water and sanitation in the city made it very hard to contain the
spread of the disease. The latest World Health Organisation update
confirmed 311 cases with 208 dead in the country. There are another 99
probably cases that all resulted in death and 17 more suspected cases,
12 of them deaths.
Liberia: 249 cases, 129 deaths
Ebola was reported in the Lofa and Nimba counties of Liberia in late March and by mid-April possible cases had been recorded in Margibi and Montserrado County. In the latest WHO update, 84 were confirmed infected and of those 60 had died. A further 165 probable or suspected cases were reported with 69 of those deaths. Liberian doctor, Samuel Brisbane, who had been treating people with the disease, was confirmed to have died from ebola on 27 July. Two US aid workers for the christian humanitarian aid group Samaritan’s Purse were also reported to be infected.Sierra Leone: 525 cases, 224 deaths

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